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A Lazy Person's Guide to Working Out

Let me preface this by saying that I really am not the biggest fan of working out. It is a mission to get myself up and ready to run or do a HIIT workout, but because I am pretty limited in my movement these days, working out has honestly been a blessing. Also, I am no expert on fitness and I won’t pretend like I am, so if you’re looking for some super serious workout plans then I am not your source. That being said, here are a couple of workout applications and routines that I’ve been following and would suggest using if you’re like me and dread working out.

#1: FitOn App

I came across the FitOn application pretty recently. I was doing a Google search and someone recommended it so I figured, why not? Ever since mid-March this has been my main source of workout information and I’m super impressed. They have tons of free videos and they create a weekly plan for you so that you know what workouts you will be doing that week. Also, the workouts are honestly pretty tough and I wake up sore the day after almost every time. I would definitely recommend downloading the application if you want personalized routines that are different everyday! You can even indicate how many times you want to workout in a week and what you’re most focused on. The variety is fantastic and I’ve found that they’re helping me a lot.

#2: MyTraining App

When I was still able to go to the gym, this is the application I was using regularly. It’s a free app where you can design your own workouts and specify the reps, weight, and other factors. If you pay for their premium version you get access to pre-designed workouts. I found this application really good for going to the gym because it gave me the flexibility to choose the exercises I wanted to do. I don’t use it as much anymore since I don’t have a lot of equipment at home, but it’s really good otherwise!

#3: Follow @nikfiit on Instagram!

My friend Nicole has a fitness page on Instagram where she posts tons of workouts and healthy recipes. She is definitely a better source than I am and I do a lot of her workouts when I go to the gym. Not only are her workouts fantastic, she is also just a wonderful person who is willing to give you workout tips and advice if you ask her. I am usually scared away by other fitness accounts and gurus on Instagram, but Nicole’s page is unlike the others and she really makes you feel like you can be as strong and fit as her! Definitely give her a follow for routines!

#4: Other Workouts

These are just some workout routines I saw on Tik Tok that I figured I’d give a try while at home. I’ll include the links if you want to watch the videos, but I’ve also summarized the exercises they include and what area they target. In the videos they recommend doing the routine every day, so I’m trying to incorporate some of these into my daily workouts. Here’s the summary:

  • 100 squats (do 2 sets of 50 and take a short break in between)

  • 1 minute of pulse squats

  • 50 mini ankle kicks (each side)

  • 50 plank twists

I usually use a heavy resistance band for this workout but you can do it without one too if you want!


  • 1 minute plank

  • 30 second plank twists

  • 30 mountain climbers

  • 15 second plank crunch (each side)

  • 20 toe touches

  • 20 heel touches

  • 20 donkey kicks (each side)

  • 10 kneeling to squat (x3)

  • 50 bicycles

  • 50 russian twists

  • 1 minute plank

  • 50 crunches

  • 1 minute dance of your choice!

So, as I mentioned before, I am no fitness guru. These are just some of my tips for working out and what I’ve been using to keep myself busy these past few weeks. There’s tons of other resources and accounts that you can follow that also have really great workouts and more tips for your overall health and diet as well. Hopefully you found this useful!



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